Register by Wednesday for the air pitch tournament on the sports field in the Grüne


It will be the soccer highlight for all young Iserlohn soccer fans: the air pitch tournament on the sports field in the Grüne next Friday, June 14. Between 4 and 7 p.m., all young footballers can compete against each other in small teams of three to six players.

All children who enjoy playing soccer and belong to the age groups G- (3 - 7 years), E- (7-8 years) or F-juniors (9-10 years) are invited to take part. You can register until Wednesday, June 12, by sending an e-mail to or to

The air pitch is currently the highlight at sporting events. A pitch surround filled with air, which is set up as a hexagon and as a small pitch, offers the greatest possible fun in a small area - both as a team and in a 1:1 duel.

Further information and answers to questions can also be obtained from Niklas Hesse and Lea Reitmajer by e-mail. The Iserlohner Turnerschaft (ITS) and SSV Kalthof are looking forward to a sporty air-pitch tournament in all weathers!

Photo: Air-Pitches / © Carsten Fürst