Repair work on the Hemberg lawn completed


One week before the Italian national soccer team's first training session at the Team Base Camp in Iserlohn, work on the soccer turf at the Hemberg Stadium is almost complete. After the difficult weather conditions and a challenge in peeling the soccer turf in the Netherlands led to discoloration and minor unevenness during installation, the experts from the specialist company commissioned, Heiler, have completely replaced the affected areas of turf. "We not only sensed a great deal of professionalism, but also the company's personal commitment to resolving this situation to everyone's satisfaction," says Christian Kißmer, head of the Iserlohn sports office.

Immediately on Monday morning (June 3), the company removed all the affected areas of turf, prepared the ground again and, by midday, had already started laying new turf specially supplied from the Netherlands, which now has to grow in. According to the experts, this should be successful due to the good weather forecasts for the coming days. There will be no additional costs for the city of Iserlohn. "Especially in moments like these, it shows how well all sides work together and are committed to a joint project. That's why we would like to thank everyone involved for creating the ideal conditions for the Italian team," continued Kißmer.

The Italian association is currently still rebuilding the cabin areas at Hemberg, the entire area is being fitted with a privacy screen and other remaining work is being completed. As the tenant of the area, UEFA now has domiciliary rights.

Photo: Freshly sanded: The repair work on the turf at the Hemberg Stadium has been completed.