Team base camp

A warm welcome to the Italian national team and all soccer fans from near and far!
We are proud and grateful to be the venue for the Italian national team's base camp and look forward to five weeks of Italian flair at the Seilersee and Hemberg.

Thanks to its excellent connections to Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, the team's outstanding accommodation at the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten am Seilersee, the newly refurbished, top training area at the Hembergstadion and the ideal conditions of the Matthias Grothe Hall for the Casa Azzurri, Iserlohn was chosen as the team base camp at the beginning of the year.

What you should know:

It's no longer a secret: the Italian national team is staying at the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten.
Want to see the Squadra Azzurra players live? Take a photo with your star, get an autograph?
We understand and would love to, but there is no way to do this around the hotel, which is exclusively occupied by the Italian team during the European Championships! The area is fenced in, cordoned off and monitored, so it is not possible to get close to your soccer stars!
Therefore our appeal to all fans: Please don't try it, but rather use your time to discover Iserlohn, go to one of the events and watch your soccer idols live and in color on one of the big screens at the various big screens. It's worth it!